Heat Meter: How to choose to save money?

Recently, heat tariffs have been growing by leaps and bounds. Each heating season is a blow to the budget of every family. Therefore, many are thinking about how to save money? What should be done to pay at least a little less money for the provision of the service? The way out is very simple. The most effective way would be to install a meter to record the consumed heat energy thru the heat meter. This device helps you keep track of how much energy you’ve spent. Thus, you have the opportunity to calculate the exact amount of heat and pay only for what you use, and not what utilities impose on you.
But many housing and communal services, in order to completely use up the energy limit during the season, begin to use the heat resources to the maximum. In many apartments, it becomes so stuffy that you even have to open the windows during the winter cold. Because of this, that useful energy is simply wasted that could be useful in the future. And you pay money for heating the air outside, and not for the heat in the house. Therefore, it is recommended to install a meter and thermostat. Thus, you independently choose the air temperature, which allows you to save almost twice.
What heat meters are on the market?

There are many criteria by which you can select the right equipment. The cost of a device usually depends on its functionality and configuration. Accordingly, you can choose a device from the following categories:
ultrasonic – data is measured using an ultrasonic signal, the results of which can be seen on the display of the device;
mechanical – equipped with a heat sensor that records all changes, and the received data is displayed on the screen;
electromagnetic – they are of high cost, but they are more accurate and reliable.
What should be considered when choosing?
If you decide to install a heat meter in your apartment, then it is worth doing some research to obtain the necessary information:
Examine the layout of the room and determine if there is a basement, how high the humidity is there, and whether a heating system is installed.
Take a look at how the pipes are placed in the basement.
Study the parameters of the substation, if there is one in your residential complex.
Pay attention to the quality of the water.
Check the value of the fluid pressure in the heating system at home.
A way of regulating the temperature in a building.
Consider how hot water is dispensed and whether you have it.
The number of pipes in the house.
The material that is used to equip the system.
Find out the distance from home to the substation.
Arrangement of the pipe insulation system and its availability.
The number of apartments in the complex. You will need this in order to correctly calculate the exact amount of water consumed.
After all this information is received and studied, you can begin to select the right type of measuring device. It is recommended to contact the designers in order to most accurately determine the choice.
Step-by-step instruction

Let’s summarize and draw up an algorithm of actions when installing a heat meter:
First, you need to contact the communal service for obtaining documents on the technical organization of the heat supply system in the house. It should contain all the relevant data on how to choose the right components for heating equipment. The service for the provision of documents can be paid for or free. But only residents of the complex can order it.
You need to choose a company with which you will cooperate. Pay attention to her reputation, customer reviews, and her ranking among competitors. The employee must have a professional education and provide a full range of services for the installation and maintenance of the heat meter system.
After that, the necessary device is purchased and diagrams for its installation are drawn up.
The developed project must be submitted for approval to the public service.
Now the contractor carries out all the work on the installation of the equipment.
As you can see, the whole process of installing a heat meter will take some time. But it is definitely worth the effort, as you can significantly save your family budget.
Heat meter. What you need to know when choosing and installing
The main purpose of installing a meter is to significantly reduce utility bills during the heating period.
Since the heating system at the TR is mainly central, the energy consumption is determined according to the area of the apartment. This means that even if the batteries in the next apartment are fiery, and yours is slightly warm, the payment will be the same, according to square meters. That is why thermal energy metering devices are installed.
Installing a heat meter

In the old-style housing stock, piping was practiced, which was carried out vertically, with this option, the installation of a heat meter will be very expensive, since the device must be installed on each vertical section of the pipeline. In modern construction, horizontal wiring is practiced, which makes installation possible in every apartment.
Immediately before the installation of the meter itself, it is necessary to carry out a number of formal steps:
- Obtain technical specifications for installation from a specialized company.
- Buy the meter itself with the subsequent saving of the cashier’s receipt and instructions.
3. Make a project for the installation of a heat meter.
4.The installation of the appliance must be carried out by professionals who are licensed or certified.
5. The last stage in the work is the registration of the meter and its sealing by an employee of the management company.
There are certain installation requirements:
- The device should be located in a place where you can easily check its operation and take readings.
2. The installation must be on a straight pipe length.
3. The temperature sensor must be located exactly in the middle of the pipe.
- Before attaching the meter, it is necessary to install a branch pipe that will protect the system from air congestion.
Energy consumption measurements can sometimes be inaccurate. This occurs in a number of cases:
- the meter was not installed properly;
- an air lock has formed, due to which the flow of the coolant is disrupted;
- the pipeline is worn out or of poor quality;
- dirty water;
- water with increased hardness;
- fluctuations in temperature.
Checking the heat meter
All devices related to heat must be checked in a timely manner. The device undergoes the very first check at the manufacturer’s factory, then, after certain intervals of time, a scheduled check is carried out, but if the device has external defects, or documents for it are lost, then an extraordinary or unscheduled check is carried out.
Algorithm of actions:
- The device is dismantled.
- Customize it according to factory samples.
3. The accuracy of the readings in test modes is checked.
4. A document confirming the suitability for use is issued.
- The device is mounted in place.
Inspection of heat metering devices is regulated by law and can only be carried out by organizations that have the appropriate licenses and the right to the inspection procedure.